Monday, June 1, 2015

Self Portrait Write-up

Dear Young Me,
Right now, high school is all that matters to you. Who you are right now, determines who you become. Or so you thought. In reality, high school means nothing throughout college and your profession. Who you are now will only be a distant memory in who you are as me, older you. Your grades now do not mean as much as you think. You are putting your grades and future before your mind and your health and that will end up hurting you. Trust me, I know. I'm you. You are enough, no matter what anybody else tells you. You are important and who you are as you read this is not what's important. School is not the end goal I promise. You are happy. I am happy. You become so much more than the you you are that I am writing to.

Examples of Self Portraits

Examples of Professional Ads

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Notes on Classmates Work

Throughout the different works that was shown, I learned different ways to adjust the light, refocus the subject to be more interesting, and new apps that could be useful in the future. My classmates showed good examples of how to reinvent standard subjects in order to make the audience more engaged in what was being shot in the photograph. The new ways of lighting brought out new highlights in regular subjects that would be overlooked if the lighting had been different.

Lynda #5

3D Printing with Ryan Kittleson explained how he had used photoshop to make models. The way that he described the process made it much simpler than one would think when wondering about what it is he does. He made a main point of saying that as long as you understand the tools, you can create anything. He demonstrated that the new technology has become so advanced that creating anything to look realistic has now become possible.